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 1 – 2 AGOSTO 2023
















Martedì 1° agosto

Alle 10.00               Insegnamenti sulla Via del Bodhisattva con  

                                Rifugio e Voti di Bodhisattva

Mercoledì 2 agosto

Alle 10.00              Iniziazione dei Ventuno Aspetti di Tara






































Per partecipare in presenza viene chiesto una offerta di 100€ per i due giorni, se volete sostenerci con una offerta più sostanziosa, vi saremo molto grati. Per registrarsi usate il Jotform, ecco il link: oppure lo trovate sul nostro sito


Luogo dell’evento: Il Museo della Vite e del Vino “I LECCI” Via Lucardese 74, Montespertoli (FI) nel Centro Congressi.


Contatti: +390571659063, 335482485, 3473460064

Pagina FB Sakya Ngon Ga Ling, gruppo FB Sakya Ngon Ga Ling

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 1 – 2 AGOSTO 2023



Insegnamenti sulla Via del Bodhisattva

la Via della Compassione e l’Amorevole Gentilezza

Rifugio e Voti di Bodhisattva.

S.S. Gongma Trichen darà spiegazioni sul come sviluppare una mente piena di compassione e metterla in atto, in sintonia con gli insegnamenti Mahayana. Darà la possibilità a tutti i presenti di prendere o rinnovare i voti di Bodhisattva per rafforzare la propria pratica, incamminarsi sulla via del Bodhisattva e sviluppare il Bodhicitta, la mente d’illuminazione. Per chi desidera, sarà possibile prendere il Rifugio con S.S.

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Iniziazione dei Ventuno Aspetti di Tara

Nella tradizione Mahayana Tara è considerata un Bodhisattva dell’azione e della compassione ed è ritenuta un Buddha femminile nella tradizione del Vajrayana tibetano. È la manifestazione dell’aspetto femminile di Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) ed è conosciuta come “La Madre della Liberazione”.

Tara incorpora molte delle qualità del principio femminile ed opera come una fonte che partorisce il calore, la compassione e il sollievo dal karma negativo. Genera, nutre e sente empatia verso tutti gli esseri, come una madre verso i suoi figli.

È giocosa, un aspetto che condivide con le Dakini e viene raffigurata come una ragazza di sedici anni. La sua mente giocosa può sollevare le persone che sono diventate mentalmente pesanti, rigide o aggrappate al dualismo. Le sue benedizioni possono fluire naturalmente nell’apertura e nella ricettività degli esseri e le sue energie possono velocizzare il loro sviluppo spirituale.

Ha 21 aspetti maggiori e ogni aspetto è legato a un certo colore e energia, ognuno di essi offre un attributo femminile specifico per il beneficio dell’aspirante spirituale che chiede la sua assistenza. L’iniziazione affronterà ognuno di questi 21 aspetti (forme) di Tara, come Tara Verde – attività illuminata, Tara Bianca – compassione e lunga vita, Tara Rossa – attirare tutte le cose buone, Tara Nera – potere illuminante, Tara Gialla – prosperità, e altri aspetti ancora.



due to the epidemic situation there are no scheduled visits from our Masters, as soon as the situation changes we organize ourselves and let you know.

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"Are you sure you are not a Buddhist?"

Based on the same book by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Friday 19 January 19.00

Conference at the Auditorium "Le Corti" Montespertoli (FI)

Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 January 10.30-18.00

Teachings on Buddhist philosophy for those who feel Buddhist and for those who are simply attracted.

At the "I Tre Santi" Center in Via Voltiggiano 5, 50025 Montespertoli (Fi)

Do you think you are a Buddhist or rather you are not? Think again… do you really know what Buddhist philosophy is?

Do Tulku Rinpoche studied at the Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute in India, where he received the title Lopön (Acharya), and is a very close student to Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche who is the author of the book "You are sure you are not a Buddhist" ( Feltrinelli) which inspired the conference and the two days of teaching that follow here in Montespertoli.

This book contains all of Buddhist philosophy, explaining it in a fun and easy to understand way, however, turning the traditional way of teaching upside down. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is considered one of the most creative and innovative lamas on the Buddhist scene today and has an extraordinary way of bringing teaching into our daily life. It urges us to go beyond the superficial traps of Buddhism, and goes straight to the heart of the Buddha's teachings.

What is Buddhism really? The philosophy, "Dharma", born in India 2500 years ago is still so relevant today, but have we really understood what it means? Or are the approximate quotes of the Dalai Lama that we find on Social Media enough and we stop there? This meeting is designed to bring us to a more detailed and precise understanding of the teaching.

Even if you are not a Buddhist: here is an excellent opportunity to understand us more, knowing Do Tulku Rinpoche, a young Lama who is appreciated for his cultured, interactive, often funny and unconventional way of teaching the Dharma. Just in the spirit of Dzongsar Khyentse himself.


Do Tulku Rinpoche

  he is the resident Lama and spiritual guide of the "Arya Tara Buddhist Center" in Germany. When he was 17 he was recognized by His Holiness Sakya Trizin as the reincarnation of V. Raktrul Rinpoche (17th century), a master of Do Teng Monastery in eastern Tibet. After being recognized, he followed traditional training in philosophy, practice and dialectics at the Dzongsar Khentse Chokyi Lodro Institute in India for 11 years and graduated with the title of Acharya (Lopön). He has since taught in both India and Tibetan schools, as well as leading retreats for monks. Following the instructions of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, he teaches regularly in both Asia and Europe. He has received teachings, broadcasts and initiations from some of the most important masters of our time, including HH the Dalai Lama, HH Sakya Trizin, Khenchen Kunga Wangchuk, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Dagchen Rinpoche, Luding Khenchen Rinpoche and many others. Do Tulku  Rinpoche works as a translator in the “Project 84,000” and is a lay practitioner. He is appreciated for his cultured, interactive, fun and unconventional style of conveying Buddhist teachings.

Since October
Every Tuesday evening in Tresanti
2 Friday evening in Scandicci
at 19.00


My mind ... clear, like a crystal


Samatha and Vipassana Meditation Course every Tuesday evening from October-December.

The course starts 3 October at 19.00  at the Sakya Ngon Ga Ling Center in Tresanti, Montespertoli

and two Friday evenings a month in Scandicci, FI, starting on Friday 6 October.

with Jessica Martensson Ngawang Dolkar.

Meditating is recognizing the deep nature of our mind and rejoicing in this state. It can also be done while walking, driving a car or shopping. It is a total, global presence of our person connected with what surrounds us.

In order to maintain this intense presence in our daily life it is important to cultivate and improve this recognition. We begin to do this on our pillow by meditating seated.

Meditation is our training, to never forget.

The Buddhist tradition has developed extraordinary methods of meditation, you can use them even if you don't feel "Buddhist". Samatha - calm abiding and Vipassana - penetrative vision, are methods developed to free us from our mental tracks that create suffering, discomfort and problems of various kinds.


The time is from 19.00 to 20.30.  

Even those who have not attended the first meetings can come!

You register for the entire course, 12 meetings in Tresanti and 6 meetings in Scandicci (you can also participate occasionally).

The course is free to offer, approximately € 10 per session.

The course is open to everyone.

29 January, Cireglio Retreat House (PT)


Philosophical meeting "Tea with the Buddha":

Illusion and reality: the concept of emptiness

The philosophical meetings begin at 3.30 pm. Participation is open to all and is free. Offers and / or donations are welcome (both in cash and in the form of incense, flowers, biscuits, sweets, etc.). For those who also participate in the morning practice session (Preliminary meditation in seven branches, the offering of the Mandala and a short practice of the Buddha of Compassion, all spiritual practices open to all) it is possible to have lunch at the center.


Every 10th and 25th day of the Tibetan calendar. Check the calendar,  happens  in Tresanti 

Next  date: Tuesday  May 10  

Tsog of Vajrayoghini

At the Sakya Ngon Ga Ling Center, Tresanti


Anyone who has received Vajrayogini initiation into the Sakya tradition can participate. Next meeting Friday 6 November. We kindly ask you to inform us of your presence.

Tsog is a puja, an offering ceremony, which has an ancient tradition. This Tsog is in the name of Vajrayogini and all dakinis, all Buddhas in female form. Everyone brings food to share and eat along with our deep self. Tsog has a great effect on our mind and in our life. We honor the enlightened aspect in us, Prajna, and offer food, drink, lights, incense, music and flowers.

The Vajrayogini tradition is of great importance in the Sakya school and comes from the lineage of Naropa, an Indian Mahasiddha who lived about 1000 years ago. All meditation practices (sadhana), Tsog etc. they come from himself and have been transmitted in an unbroken line ever since, from Master to Disciple.

We thank for this power passed down to us by our precious Masters and Masters!

Sarva Mangalam

Sunday 13 May
11.00 - 17.00  in Tresanti FI

Sakya Pandita's "Clarifying the Intent of the Sage" teaching e

Puja and Meditation of Tara

Anyone can participate in the 11 Pujas, addressed to all those who have received the Green Tara initiation in the Sakya tradition. We will do the puja of all 21 forms of Tara and the sadhana of Tara with explanations of mudras, visualizations and more.


11:00 am   PUJA DI TARA for all those who have received the initiation of Green Tara

13.00   LUNCH everyone brings something to share (please let us know if you have lunch here) 
   Meeting of Buddhist Philosophy, teaching "Clarifying the Sage's Intent" by Sakya Pandita. Let's deepen the 4th, 5th and 6th chapters on the Six Paramitas - The Perfection of Generosity, Moral Discipline and Patience.

Sunday 13 May 11.00-17.00 in Tresanti
Dharma day  in Tresanti
Monthly meeting of Buddhist practice and philosophy.
Every second Sunday of the month we meet to meditate together, to talk about Buddha Sakyamuni's Dharma. We will do preliminary practices to prepare our mind for ever more limpid and clear meditation. This Sunday we will be dealing with the Mental Transformation of the Dharma.

"The Tibetan Tradition can also be defined as the Tradition of mental transformation because in Buddhism the mind is the key to transformation. It is the most essential factor in personal enrichment and emancipation.

Different traditions start from different points. For example, in Semitic traditions, one starts with God. In certain political philosophies such as Marxism, one begins with society or the economic sphere. In Buddhism, it starts with the mind. Mind is the key to transformation. Why does this happen? Because without the mind there is no experience, there would be neither happiness nor frustration because they depend on the mind. All our experiences come to us through the mind. The sense organs - eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin - do not produce perception without the mind. Therefore it is clear that if we want to change the character of our experience, we must change the character of our mind. If we wanted to cover the entire surface of the planet with a carpet to protect our bare feet from thorns and stones, it would be a very difficult task. But by simply covering the feet with leather, it is as if the entire surface of the planet is covered with leather. Likewise, if we wanted to remove greed, anger and delusion from the planet, it would be a very difficult task. But by removing greed, anger and delusion from our mind, it is as if they are being eliminated from the world. By changing the condition and character of our mind, we can change the character of our experience. "  taken from the book "The Buddhist Tradition of Mental Transformation" by Peter Della Santina

from 4 October

Mount Athos meditation

Tuesday 19.30 - 21.00

Retreat House, Castel di Cireglio (PT)

 Mount Athos meditation


On October 4th a Meditation course begins, open to those who have taken at least the Samatha Meditation course (1st level of the three-year course). It is a course of meditations of Greek Orthodox mysticism that are rarely taught and, due to the somewhat misogynistic vein of the Greek Orthodox monks of Mount Athos, almost never to women, but they are very beautiful and effective. Maximum 10/12 participants.

The scheduled dates are, always on Tuesday evening from 19.30:  04/10 - 08/11 - 10/01 - 07/02 - 07/03 - 04/04 - evtl recovery 09/05.

from 18 October

Samatha meditation

Tuesday 19.30 - 21.00

Retreat House, Castel di Cireglio (PT)

 Calm Meditation (Samatha)


A meditation course begins on October 18  Tibetan first level of the three-year course of Meditation according to Wangchuck Dorje (1556 - 1603): “The ocean of definitive meaning” as transmitted by Khenchen Trangkhu Rimpoche.

The course is suitable for beginners. Maximum 8/10 participants. To participate, an offer is required for the activities and maintenance of the center. It is necessary to have followed this course to participate in the activities of deepening meditation (Vipassana Meditation and similar).


Tel: 0571-659063 or 335-482485

  (Centro Dharma Tresanti)

And  347-3460064 (Pistoia Retreat House)


October December

Cireglio Castle

Here are the activities taking place in Castello di Cireglio / Pistoia in the coming months:

At the end of October a course of * Samatha Meditation * (meditation of clear calm) starts, open to everyone, even beginners, which is the basis for then being able to continue with the Vipassana Meditation (meditation of internal vision). The course at the Sakya Ngon Ga Ling retreat house in Cireglio Castle consists of six lessons which take place on Thursdays from 19.30 to 21 and will have a monthly deadline (with the exception of December). The course is based on a Tibetan work fundamental for meditation: "The ocean of definitive wisdom" by Wangchuck Dorje, the IX Karmapa, who lived in the 1600s and on the comments of the great Lama Kagyu Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche, who - while very old - continues to teach in Vancouver Canada.
The schedule for this course is as follows: Thursday 29 October - course start, Thursday 26 November, Thursday 14 January, Thursday 11 February, Thursday 10 March, Thursday 7 April - last lesson. Thursday 12 May is the possible recovery date if you miss a lesson, for example due to bad weather or other. For those who miss one of the lessons, it is possible to recover it by individually agreeing the date.
For more info and registration you can contact us by e-mail, facebook or by calling 347-3460064 (Bert). Places are limited and there will be no more than 8 participants for each course.

The * "Tea with the Buddha" *, the in-depth meetings of Buddhist Philosophy, also resume, always in the Pistoia location, always monthly and on Sunday afternoon. This year the themes will be mainly two. The first theme will be the four Maras, which are the great obstacles on the path of spiritual development, which we will talk about in four meetings. These meetings alternate with others dedicated, instead, to the reading and discussion of one of the most beautiful and profound works of Buddhism: Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara. 
This trend will continue next year to be able to read the entire text and have time to reflect on the various levels of meaning of this great work. This is the expected timetable:
Sunday 1st November: Introductory meeting on Buddhist Philosophy
Sunday 29 November: Meeting on the Mara and mental obstacles
Sunday 20 December: Beginning of the reading of the Bodhicaryavattara
Sunday 31 January: Meeting on the Mara and mental obstacles
Sunday 21 February: Reading of the Bodhicaryavattara
Sunday 20 March: Meeting on the Mara and mental obstacles
Sunday 17 April: Reading of the Bodhicaryavattara
Sunday 15 May: Meeting on the Mara and mental obstacles
Sunday 19 June: Reading of the Bodhicaryavatara
These meetings are open to all, with free donations and take place at the Castello di Cireglio headquarters. You can also invite friends and people interested in Buddhist themes. Before coming to the center, check that the dates have not been moved by calling or looking on the website / Facebook page.


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